「臺灣國際產學中心」(Taiwan Gloria Center, TGC)係為執行國科會科研產業化平台計畫,由國立中興大學、國立臺北科技大學、臺北醫學大學、國立勤益科技大學、國立彰化師範大學、國立雲林科技大學、東海大學及弘光科技大學等台灣中北部八所大學組成之產學媒合平台。

Taiwan Gloria Center (TGC) is driven by the Global Research and Industry Alliance (GLORIA) Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology. It integrates 8 universities in northern and central Taiwan, namely National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Taipei Medical University (TMU), National Chin-Yi University of Technology (NCUT), National Changhua University of Education (NCUE), National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (NYUST), Tung Hai University (THU) and Hungkuang University (HKU) to serve as a cross-university platform for industry-academia collaboration.


TGC aims to provide campus know-how and patents to fulfill the demand of corporate in the areas of “Six Core Strategic Industries” in Taiwan and overseas, including digital and information technology industry, cybersecurity industry, medical technology and precision health industry, national defense and strategic industries, Green and renewable energy industry, and strategic stockpile industries. TGC assists corporate for their business development, technology upgrading and talent cultivation, and also boosts start-up teams in campus. TGC is expected to become the platform to bridge the demand –supply connection between universities and industries whatever inside and outside Taiwan.




『臺灣國際產學中心』(TGC) 涵蓋智慧工業、智慧農業、智慧醫療等三大領域,未來將以立足臺灣,放眼國際的心,帶著產學推動的使命,為產學合作注入多方資源,提升國內外產學能量,為學界與業界共創價值。







1. 建構台灣成為「全球智慧產業鏈之重心區域」,藉由區域跨校科研平台,強化跨校人才及技術媒合交流。
2. 整合產業上、中、下游,建立服務模式並透過區域跨校整合結盟進行產業輔導。
3. 藉由平台進行交流,培育跨域人才,優化科研成果與專利之運用,強化專業技轉能量,促進產業升級。


